
Moving Forward: Transportation and the Massachusetts Economy

Our Transportation Future (OTF), a diverse coalition of organizations working together for increased transportation investment in Massachusetts, turned to EDR Group (now EBP) to develop a report on the Massachusetts economy and its dependence on multimodal transportation facilities and services.

The report examines the history of large scale public investments that enabled Massachusettts to develop as a technology development leader.  It then identifies the key industry clusters that are driving economic growth, and examines available data on their adequacy in meeting the productivity and growth needs of those industries.  Finally, it identifes the key labor market areas in the state and the condition and performance of infrastructure serving it.  

The study shows how future Massachusetts economic growth can be threatened if action is not taken to reverse the growing and cumulative effect of decades of underinvestment in transportation infrastructure, through aggressive investments in road, rail, bus and non-motorized facilities.  There is a concise summary of actions being taken by other states to remain economically competitive for the future.

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