Duncan Presents TRB Webinar on How Agencies Increase Economic Efficiency by Rightsizing Economic Footprint

EDR Group's Chandler Duncan co-presented a webinar for TRB on the topic of "Best Practices and Strategies for Assessing Economic Implications of Disinvestment or Right-Sizing Scenarios.

The webinarwas held August 12, 2015 and covered forthcoming NCHRP Synthesis 480: Economic and Development Implications of Transportation Disinvestment, which focuses on how state departments of transportation and metropolitan planning organizations manage their transportation infrastructure network to balance competing maintenance and shrinking investment budgets while mitigating the economic consequences. Webinar presenters will review the key findings from the synthesis and consider the implications of this work for follow-up NHCRP research.

The Webinar, organized by the TRB Standing Committee on Transportation and Economic Development. was also be presented by:

  • Greg Bischak, Community Development Financial Institutions Fund
  • James Tymon, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO)