The EDA is Here to Help – Grants for Regional Economic Development Planning

As the nation emerges from COVID, the shock of multiple supply chain crises, and massive economic transformation from workforce shortages and remote work, regions across the U.S. are finding that the economic development plans developed only a few years ago are no longer completely relevant. New challenges and opportunities are on the table, and regions are increasingly looking for new ways to build economic sustainability and resilience into their strategies.

Part of the challenge is always how to find funding for such critical strategic initiatives, especially at times of tight municipal and state budgets.  Thankfully, the federal government has a long-standing grant program that is increasingly being used for exactly this purpose, and our team has had some experience in helping communities get the assistance that they need.

EBP's Chris Steele and Hanna Tuomi co-wrote a paper identifying and explaining the funding opportunities available to help our clients get some of their strategic needs met.

The EDA is Here to Help-Grants for Regional Economic Planning