
Market And Impact Analyses Of 801 Housing

New York's North Country region has traditionally housed nearly 2,000 families under the 801-Housing Program. This program provides for housing to be built by private developers and then leased by the government as military family housing for up to 20 years. In 13 communities surrounding Fort Drum, that 20-year period was reaching an end in 2001, thus leading to questions of the potential consequences of a large housing stock reverting to the private marketplace.

Economic Development Research Group was asked by the Development Authority of the North Country, on behalf of the Ft. Drum Regional Liaison Organization, to analyze the local economic and fiscal impacts of retaining or losing that housing and associated population in the affected communities.

For each of the communities where 801 housing has been located, EDR Group analyzed impacts of the 801-housing and its residents on: (1) population base, (2) retail business activity, (3) demands on schools and local public services, (4) generation of local government revenues, and (5) housing market conditions. The findings were used to help inform local and federal decision-makers about policies for moving ahead on the turnover of 801 housing in the region.

The North Country communities are: Calcium, Carthage, West Carthage, Clayton, Copenhagen, Evans Mills (LeRay Heights), Gouverneur, Lowville and Watertown.