EBP Publication: Energy Transition Toward a Low-Carbon Society

As a global firm, EBP created a publication outlining the Firm’s overall approach to transitioning to a Net Zero emissions society.

The transformation of our energy system constitutes one of the greatest challenges and opportunities of our contemporary society. While the urgency of the issue is clear, the solutions are equally visible. As a firm, EBP believes that renewable energy, the deployment of emission free technology, and offsetting emissions are key to the energy transition and to addressing climate change and environmental degradation. Our staff demonstrate competencies across all relevant sectors and we work as an interdisciplinary team in all of our projects. Hence, sharing experiences and competencies of energy transitions in different contexts and countries brings great insights and enables continuous learning on climate mitigation at EBP. The global energy transition does not only avoid negative consequences of climate change; it also promises an environmentally friendly, more equitable and sustainable economy for all.