
Las Vegas RTC Societal Benefits and Economic Impacts

For the Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada (RTC), EBP, as part of a team led by Nelson\Nygaard, evaluated the societal benefits and economic impacts of proposed expanded mobility options in Southern Nevada (SNV), including a backbone of new, high-capacity transit options. 

EBP conducted interviews with regional economic development leadership, developed case studies of peer experience, and quantitatively and qualitatively evaluated a series of eight mutually supportive Big Move strategies. The firm worked with Nelson\Nygaard to identify cost and performance data inputs. Then, they used the TREDIS model to quantify benefits to transit system users, drivers, and the wider SNV region. EBP also quantified expected economic development implications of the plan, including a review of land development impacts based on experience across the US.

The study considered traditional transit improvements and broader mobility strategies, such as first-and-last mile connections provided through ride, bike, or scooter share. The evaluation also addressed how new services can connect low-income households, seniors, veterans, and people with disabilities with opportunities that are otherwise unreachable, thus reducing social and economic isolation.