
Transportation Connectivity and Economic Productivity

EBP staff conducted a study that showed how transportation connectivity affects wages and jobs in different industries in cities, metro areas and across states.

Metropolitan Market Access -- The first part, Measuring the Regional Economic Impact of Transportation Access Improvements in the Context of a Large Metropolitan Region, was published in 2021. It shows how labor market access and business connectivity interact to affect economic productivity and business clusters within a large metro area.

Weisbrod G, Goldberg J, Frank P. Measuring the Regional Economic Impact of Transportation Access Improvements in the Context of a Large Metropolitan Region. Transportation Research Record. March 2021.

Regional Freight + Intermodal Access -- The second part, Relationship of Regional, Freight, and Intermodal Market Access to Industry Location and Productivity, was published in 2022. It shows the economic development implications of wider regional connectivity to supply chains, intermodal terminals and same-day travel markets.

Weisbrod, G., & Goldberg, J. (2022). Relationship of Regional, Freight, and Intermodal Market Access to Industry Location and Productivity. Transportation Research Record, 0(0).

Both publications discuss how transportation planners can use this information to inform urban transportation investment plans, priorities, and economic evaluation (appraisal) processes.  See link and upload sections of this page for article viewing options.